you are full of beauty.
Psalm 27:4, ‘One thing I ask from the Lord, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple.’
you might look at yourself in the mirror and think, ‘Beauty? Me?’, I know I ask that question.
But this I’ve learned: as I gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and seek him, I become like him.
So if I declare the Lord is full of beauty and grace and I am seeking him and he is growing me and changing me into a reflection of him, then mustn’t grace and beauty be growing in me as well? Each time I respond in grace, am I not beautiful? Are you not beautiful?
You are full of beauty.
When you smile at the antics of your children rather than frown.
When you respond in kindness to the rudeness of a co-worker.
When you divert the conversation when the words begin slandering someone else.
You are full of beauty when your tone expresses value to the one to whom you are speaking.
Beauty. Full of it. You.
Gaze upon the beauty of the Lord. Take it in and exhale grace and beauty to those around you.
A beautiful reminder. 🙂
Thank you! May you have a beautiful weekend!
Thanks for sharing your heart. I have enjoyed reading your thoughts.
Thank you!