Dear you,
I appreciate you reading this fledgling little space called Welcome Grace. It means the world to me to know that you use some of your most precious commodity–time–here in this space. Thank-you seems so inadequate so I am going to say instead, ‘You make my heart glad.’
I’ve been thinking about you, dear friend and wondering how you are and where you are in your journey with God. Are you skipping along the path, gathering your arms full of tulips and lilacs and few sprigs of grass? Possibly you are in a place of peace and beside still waters and being called to resume your journey.
Maybe you are wandering in the desert, parched and faint and ready to give up or staring at the crossing of a dangerous river and you question you will make it safely to the other side. Could you be facing a treacherous descent after a beautiful view from the summit of a mountaintop?
Unique journeys. Difficult travels. Questionable weather. Sometimes we experience everything at once and other times it’s spread out over time.
But this I know–no matter what you or I may face — God is worthy of deep, deep trust.
May I pray for you today?
Holy God,
You are God and I am not. You are for us…remind us of this truth. You are faithful every step of the way and we open our hearts a little more to trusting you in the darkness. In you there is no darkness so we hide ourselves in your l light and rest and wait in you. Like a weaned child with his mother, we rest contentedly on your lap, trusting you to meet our needs in your time and your way.
Pour your spirit out on the one reading these words and may they know you are with them. May they become aware of your presence and stand in awe of you. Whisper love to their hearts. Sweep them away by the power of your goodness. Let them find comfort in your justice. Be bigger than their circumstances in their eyes. Magnify yourself, God in their life.
God, that you would fulfill your purpose and we would faithfully keep walking towards you. You have conquered all and we give you our vanquished hearts.
In Jesus’ name,
It is a privilege to pray for you and a privilege to trust God with you for what he’s doing in your life. May you rest in the trustworthiness of God’s character as you face today’s challenge.
Thanks, Jess…I needed that prayer today!
Glad it ministered to you! Blessings!